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Версия от 04:04, 31 августа 2014; Arex (обсуждение | вклад) (Обновление текста, прежний вариант в комментах)
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Арена — это весёлое место, где вы можете тестировать различные вещи или просто устроить кровавую бойню. The arena is accessed through the main menu. Note that the object testing arena is not the same as an arena created in fortress mode.

Добавление существ

Creatures can be spawned while in the look menu. Press c to create a creature. Select the creature type, skills and equipment, and then press enter. Press Esc (or whatever you bound "leave screen" to) to cancel without creating the creature. You cannot delete creatures. You can, however, press w then l to create a stone wall, instantly killing anything on that tile.

Инвентарь и навыки

While in the creature placement menu, it is possible to add skills to your creatures such as the fighter skill. It is also possible to add weapons, ammo, and armour to your creatures. Creatures unable to use the weapons given to them will drop them upon unpausing, but creatures such as dwarves will happily use the weapon as long as they at least have dabbling in the weapon skill. You can also set exactly how much of a certain item you want when you select it, by using the + or - keys, which is the only way to get a creature to hold more than one piece of ammo, as the arena lacks an option for spawning quivers or backpacks.


A creature can be created with an effect from an interaction by pressing u in the Creation menu. In vanilla games, the available effects are the interactions of necromancers, animated corpses, disturbed dead, accursed, werebeasts and vampires. Any modded interaction with a defined arena name will also be available.


It is possible to 'Team' creatures up by pressing s and d in the Creation menu which is shown on the top left hand side. There are 99 teams, as well as "Independent", which is the default and acts as every creature for himself.

In this way you can create simulated battles against beasts or enemies. For example, you can test twenty sword-users versus twenty macemen and analyze the battle from the gamelog.txt.

Necromancers and disturbed dead that are marked as Independent will not be at peace with the zombies that they raise. This is not a bug because arena independence overrides anything else.


Corpses can be butchered by moving over them and pressing a. This can be an easy way to obtain butchering information, although there tends to be a distinct lack of variation in the results (unless the corpse is missing a body part). This is partly due to the fact that no child creatures can be created.

Природа конфликта

The level of conflict between creatures or alliances can be controlled in the main screen with the keys shift+C and c. The available settings are, from most lethal to least:

  • No quarter
  • Lethal
  • Non-lethal
  • Brawl
  • Training
  • Horseplay
  • Encounter

Morale may also be switched on or off with m on the main screen.

Сражение на арене

Look at any creature, and press a to play as them, and ctrl+a to exit back to the main mode.

  • The controls here are exactly the same as in Adventurer mode.
  • Attempting to a a corpse results in the corpse being butchered.

Добавление жидкостей

From the look menu, press l to spawn a 7/7 unit of lava, or w to spawn 7/7 water on the currently selected tile. If you place water and then lava in the same tile, they will immediately form a 'Rough-hewn Rock Wall' (i.e. before you unpause), resulting in no spillage. However, placing lava and then water simply fills the tile with water, with the same effect as placing water without magma. It is also possible to spawn rock walls in mid-air, usually causing a cave-in. You can place fluids in a tile that also has a wall in it; the result is a tile with both a wall and 7/7 units of the fluid you placed (water or lava). This combination behaves exactly the same normal water without the wall would, except the area is still considered inaccessible for water to move through.

Добавление деревьев

Also can be spawned from looking are multi-tile trees. Press t to create a tree. You can choose a tree from a list of species, as well as its age. Again, pressing enter will spawn the tree itself. Trees can be placed anywhere, even a rock block floor or mid-air (the latter will also cause a cave-in, replacing rock block floors with sand). Arena-created trees do not spawn with roots. At present it's not possible to chop down a tree, though they can be burned by spawning lava, killing the tree.

Контроль окружения

The arena's environment can be modified in-game by pressing w. From this screen, you can adjust Weather, Temperature, and Time. From this menu, you can also press s to cover every map tile in snow, m to make everything muddy, and x to remove all mud and snow.


This section has 4 options, each of which can be set to various settings:

  • Cumulus
    • No cumulus clouds
    • Scattered cumulus
    • Many cumulus (rain)
    • Cumulonimbus (rain)
  • Cirrus (toggle)
  • Stratus
    • No stratus
    • Altostratus
    • Stratus (rain)
    • Nimbostratus (rain)
  • Fog
    • No fog
    • Thin mist
    • Fog
    • Thick fog

As expected, the options marked with "(rain)" will cause it to start raining.


The arena's temperature can be set to one of 13 settings:

  • Dragonfire - 50000 °U
  • Magma - 12000 °U
  • Fire - 11000 °U
  • Scorching - 10080 °U
  • Hot - 10070 °U
  • Warm - 10050 °U
  • Cool - 10035 °U
  • Cold - 10020 °U
  • Subterranean - 10015 °U
  • Freezing - 9999 °U
  • Below freezing - 9968 °U
  • Deathly cold - 9850 °U
  • Absolute zero - 9508 °U !


The arena's time can be set to one of 13 settings:

  • Dawn (5:30am)
  • Morning (8:00am)
  • Late morning (10:30am)
  • Noon (1:00pm)
  • Early afternoon (2:00pm)
  • Late afternoon (3:30pm)
  • Early evening (5:00pm)
  • Evening (6:30pm)
  • Dusk (8:30pm)
  • Night (10:00pm)
  • Midnight (12:00am)
  • Late night (2:00am)
  • Early morning (4:00am)

Модификация арены


Folder-orange.svg Dwarf Fortress

Folder.svg data

Folder.svg init

Text-x-generic.svg arena.txt

The layout of the arena zone is stored in the (DF)/data/init folder. Modifications to this file will not change the dimensions of the arena; they can only change the initial tiles and fluids present.

The arena is composed of 9 z-levels (including Z=0, from Z=-4 to Z=4) of 144 x 144 tiles; the contents of each tile are specified by a single character:

Character Description
Empty tile [1]
Block floor
Block pillar/wall
Block ramp
Block fortification
Water source [1] [2]
7/7 water [1]
7/7 water + upward ramp
7/7 magma/lava [1]
7/7 magma/lava + upward ramp
Tree [3]
Sand [3]
Soil [3]

  1. Tile will have no floor unless a pillar/wall is constructed on the z-level below.
  2. Only seems to work when placed on map edge; behaves identically to capital W otherwise.
  3. Only one type will be present, but it will be randomly selected each time you enter the Arena.

Прочие весёлости

  • Можно создать парящий в воздухе камень таким образом, чтобы при падении он пробил дыру в мосте. Если таким образом обрушить мост, он рассыплется в огромное облако пыли всевозможных материалов (начиная от лаймстоуна и диорита кончая алмазами и адамантином).
  • Некромант, определённый в команду "Independent", будет оживлять трупы и автоматически добавлять в команду "Independent". Но, так как каждый представитель этой команды атакует всех, кого видит, некромант будет уничтожать зомби, а потом заново их воскрешать.
  • Если у вас на арене было какие-нибудь особо выдающееся существо (перебившее как можно больше остальных), то оно может быть изображено на статуе, выпадающей из убитого бронзового колосса.