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Миссии — это команды в Режиме крепости отправляющие один или несколько отрядов для посещения мест за пределами крепости. Они могут быть созданы в информационном меню Цивилизаций/мира (нажатием c при просмотре основной крепости). Есть несколько типов миссий, таких как рейды, исследования, восстановления артефактов, подъём граждан.

Рейды и исследования

A raid is a general mission to an occupied, foreign site, usually in the name of pillaging artifacts and death-dealing (although artifact looting seems to be the primary focus of most raids). An exploration is a general mission to unoccupied sites, including those previously inhabited by your civilization, and these missions focus almost entirely upon finding artifacts that might be held at these locations.

Raids and explorations are created by selecting a site on the Civilization/World Info map. If the site you're viewing holds or is rumored to hold artifacts or prisoners, these will be listed. At the bottom of the screen, a prompt gives you information about the type of mission you're creating (i.e. 'r: Raid/Explore this site'). If a site is unable to be visited, the prompt will appear grayed out, and the text will explain why you cannot create the mission. Missions cannot be sent to occupied sites that are members of your civilization, but can be sent to unoccupied/abandoned sites, as stated above. They also cannot be sent to locations that are impossible for your squads to reach (i.e. across oceans/glaciers). If all is well, you can then press r to create the mission and move into squad selection.

Note: Raiding a site of a civilization you are at Peace with, for any reason, could cause them to declare war on your civilization. Act with care when choosing sites to pillage.

Восстановление артефактов/народа

An artifact recovery mission allows for a specific artifact to be selected as the objective of a mission. This usually involves traveling to the last known or rumored location of said artifact. If your squad manages to encounter a bit of fun on any form of mission, members of those parties can be captured as prisoners by the inhabitants of the site you attempted to raid. When this happens, you can create a citizen recovery mission, whereupon the assigned squads will attempt to rescue the prisoner from whatever site they are held at.

Artifact recovery and citizen recovery missions are created by selecting the desired recoverable from either the missing citizens menu (accessible with p) or the artifact menu (accessible with a). Once you've selected something, press r to create a new mission, and move into squad selection. Although you can technically select recoverables that belong to sites of your civilization, squads on these missions will almost instantaneously return, and will deliver no report data.

Выбор отряда

Squad selection, as the name implies, simply involves selecting a squad (or multiple squads) to be sent out on the mission. Even if you do not select any squads by exiting the selection, the created mission will remain extant and active, albeit with no squads assigned to it.

Once an active mission has one or more squads assigned to it, the dwarfs in those squads will automatically prepare themselves and leave the map's edge.


  • Нажатием m в информационном меню Цивилизаций/мира вам покажут список активных миссий. Ты можешь переназначить отряды или удалять миссии на данном экране.
  • Когда отряд вернется с миссии, вас оповестят: "<название отряда> has returned", и отчет миссии будет виден в меню отчетов r. В отчете, путь, по которому прошел отряд, прослеживается на карте, а события, произошедшие по пути, выявляются.
  • Питомцы и другие животные на миссиях могут быть убиты или ранены.

События миссий

Данный список неполный, не стесняйтесь вносить свой вклад
  • Незаметно зашел в поселение
  • Нашел поселение
  • Украл артефакт
  • Освободил человека/эльфа/гоблина/дварфа
  • Столкнулся с человеком/эльфом/гоблином/дварфом
  • Человек/эльф/гоблин/дварф сражался с
  • Часть тела человека/эльфа/гоблина/дварфа была вырвана/ободрана
  • Человека/эльф/гоблин/дварф был сражен
  • Предмет/артефакт был подобран человеком/эльфом/гоблинов/дварфом